Delimiters page - Ingredient data

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Delimiters page - Ingredient data

The ASCII Text Import Wizard delimiters page is separated into five sections.  They are as follows:


Field delimiters

Text Qualifiers

Initial lines to ignore

Other lines to ignore

Preview field


See the following image. (Example 1)




This page prompts you for details on how Import Wizard is to interpret the data in the text file.  You should look at the preview of the import file at the bottom of the page when making your selections.  


Field delimiters


This section allows you to select the delimiter character.  This is the character that separates the various fields in the text file.  Looking at the sample data above (example 1), it is easy to spot that commas (,) are separating the various fields, so check the "Comma" check box in the "Field delimiters" group.  See the following image.




Text qualifiers


Text qualifiers are characters that 'wrap' text fields. Some text files may 'wrap' text fields (i.e. ingredient names, purchase units, etc.) with qualifier characters (i.e. double or single quotes).  Once again, check the sample data and enable the appropriate check box in the "Text Qualifiers" group.  See the following image.





Looking at example 1, you can see the ingredient names (e.g. Abalone Black Lip, Absolut Vodka 700ml, Aceto Balsamic De Modera 500ml) are surrounded with double quote characters ("), so check the "Double quotes" (") check box in the text qualifiers field.


Initial lines to ignore


Some text files have header type information at the top of the file.  As per example 1 above, you can see the field names are listed on the first line, followed by actual ingredient data.  It's important to let the wizard know which lines of the file should be ignored.  In the image below, we have told the wizard to ignore one (1) line of data.   See the following image.




NOTE: If the file you intend importing from contains header type information other than at the top of the file, you will need to manually edit that information out of the file with a plain text editor (like Windows Notepad) before attempting to import the data into your recipe database.


Other lines to ignore


Some text files will have extraneous information embedded within the file.  This may be in the form of other headers or separating lines.  If this is the case, select how the wizard is to know which lines are to be ignored in the "Other lines to ignore" group box.  You can select up to four different characters from the drop lists and the import wizard will ignore all lines starting with any of these characters.


Once you are satisfied with all your selections, click the "Next" button to move to the Field page - Ingredient data.