How do I create a category?
<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Tutorials > Categories > How do I create a category? |
1. | Open a database (if one isn't already open). |
2. | Select Categories... from the View menu, or click the ![]() |
3. | Click the New button and Category Edit dialog (shown below) will be displayed. |
4. | Fill in the name of the new category and select whether the new category is to be associated with ingredients, recipes and menus. |
NOTE: Each category within a Resort Chef database must have a unique name. If you attempt to create a new category which has the same name as an already existing category, the program will not let you save your new category.
5. | Click the OK button to save the new category. |
6. | If you wish to create another new category, just repeat from step 3 above, otherwise, close the Category dialog and you are finished. |