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Resort Executive's allergen tracking feature lets you create allergens and associate them with selected ingredients.


Any recipes, menus, or functions using those ingredients (directly or via sub-recipes) will 'inherit' any associated allergens themselves.


For instance, say you create an allergen called 'gluten' and associate it with your 'flour'.  Any recipes, menus or functions using flour will automatically have 'gluten' in their allergen lists.


NOTE: Resort Software do not ship or install any allergen data with their foodservice products.

We provide the tools to store your information only. You are entirely responsible for the allergen data entered into your recipe database.


To use Resort Executive's allergen features, you must agree to accept full responsibility for the allergen data entered into your recipe

databases by accepting the terms of an indemnity statement that will be displayed by the program.


If you choose not to agree to those terms, the program's allergen tracking features will be disabled.  

Should, at a later time, you wish to enable allergen tracking, select the Allergens option from the Tools menu.

You will be presented with out indemnity statement again.  If you accept the terms presented there, the allergen tracking features will be enabled.