How can I re-size grid columns?

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How can I re-size grid columns?

It is possible to re-size any grid columns within Resort Executive.  To do so simply grab the grid line and drag it to the desired width.


You will notice that when you hover your mouse over a column header grid line, the columnseparator mouse cursor appears.  When this appears you can click and drag the column grid lines left or right to modify the column width.  

See the following image.




If you have modified your column widths and wish to have them revert back to the default settings you can do so by using one of the following methods:


Right-click your mouse and select Reset column widths from the popup context menu        or

Hit the CTRL+R shortcut key        or

Select Tools->Reset grid column widths        or

Clicking on the icon_toolsresetcolumnwidths toolbar button.