How do I print menus?
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To print menus you must:
First, launch the Report Wizard by using one of the following methods:
•Select File->Print report from the menu bar or
•Click on the toolbar button or
•Hit the CTRL+P shortcut key
Select the Report category "Menus".
Choose the Report style and Reports of this style you wish to print. Some reports may require you to choose from a number of report options, if this is the case, click the "Next" button to continue with your selections. To change your selections, you can click the "Back" button to be returned to the previous selection screen. When all required selections are complete, click the "Finish" button.
Alternatively, you can print reports directly from the menu form by clicking the button on the Edit toolbar. This will allow you to select a report relating to the current form. This is a shortcut to the report wizard and selects reports that relate directly to the form you currently have open and is the same as clicking the
toolbar button or selecting File->Print report from the menu bar. You can then select the report you wish to print and it will preview on screen. This feature simply cuts out a few mouse clicks and is a quicker way to select reports.
NOTE: The Print option on the Edit toolbar will not list report options for Windows 98 users. It will take you straight to the report wizard.
A preview of the report may appear. If you are satisfied that this is the report you wish to print, click on the button to send the report to your printer. It is also possible to export the report to various file formats ie. MS Excel, MS Word from the print preview window. To do this, click on the