Ingredient costs page
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This page contains a grid which lets you enter purchase prices for the ingredients supplied by an individual supplier. This page also has a rollup window which lets you add other ingredients to the supplier's product list.
The grid contains the following columns:
Ingredient Name
This view shows a list of all ingredients supplied by the selected supplier.
This column shows the purchase cost for the ingredient. The actual cost value displayed depends on the settings of the 'Show costs per unit' check box in the form. If this checkbox is checked, then the 'Cost' column of the grid will list the various ingredient costs on a 'per purchase unit' basis. If the 'Show costs per unit' checkbox is not checked, the 'Cost' column in the grid will list the cost per purchase quantity/unit for each ingredient.
Purchase Unit
This column shows the purchase unit for the ingredient. As for the cost column, this column shows a different value depending on the settings of the 'Show costs per unit' checkbox. If the 'Show costs per unit' checkbox is checked, then this grid column will show the purchase unit for each ingredient. If the checkbox is unchecked, then this grid column will display the minimum purchase quantity and purchase unit for each ingredient.
This column shows the cost per usage unit for the ingredient.
Usage Unit
This column shows the usage unit for the selected ingredient.
Last Modified
The 'Last Modified' column allows you to see when this ingredient was last updated.
The following image shows this page.