Getting the most out of Resort Executive

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Getting the most out of Resort Executive

Simply put, Resort Executive is all about helping you to make more profit from your foodservice business.  


We take it as read that you provide the best possible product and service to your customers, but regardless of how brilliant you are in the kitchen, if you aren't actually making a profit from your hard work, you can't expect to stay in business for very long.


Resort Executive helps you to focus on the core aspects of product cost control and stock management to help you keep on top of your business.  Sure, the program has all sorts of nifty features like the spell checker, Email Wizard, etc. but none of these things are any use if you're not focused on the core purpose of making a profit from your business.  The rest of this chapter discussing those core profit making features which are covered in the following major topics:-


Product Costing - Discusses calculating recipe and function/banquet costing.  Also touches on the benefits of menu engineering.

Stock Management - Covers tracking stock purchases as well as stocktakes.

Putting it all together - Discusses combining product costing, stock purchases and stocktakes to generate a Cost of Goods Sold report at the end of an accounting period to see how your business is running.


NOTE: This chapter covers using Resort Executive in very broad terms, and leaves the actual nuts and bolts of operating the program (i.e. opening windows, entering data, printing reports, etc.) to other chapters.