Stock management

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Stock management

Stock management can be one of the most tedious aspects of catering.  Keeping track of ingredient purchases and counting the stock at the end of each accounting period can be very time consuming.  With Resort Executive's stock management functions we have tried to remove as much of that tedium as possible.


Resort Executive's stock management functions are aimed at smaller establishments.  The program makes no attempt at implementing a full 'live' inventory system.  Rather, the program implements enough stock functionality to count purchase quantities and stocktake for all ingredients stored in a database for two accounting periods (the 'current' and 'previous' periods). The stock functions/reports calculate stock totals and variations, usage counts and cost of goods sold.


When you are finished entering stocktake and purchase details for the current period (i.e. all data entered and reports printed),  you should 'roll' the stock ready for the next period.  This process effectively 'moves' the stock information from the current to the previous period and prepares the system for new stock information for the next accounting period which becomes the new 'current' period.  


Stock is rolled via the Stock Rollover Dialog.  Should you make a mistake and roll your stock before completing the data entry, you can reverse a rollover with the Reverse Stock Rollover Dialog.