Toolbar buttons

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Toolbar buttons


button_filenew  New database / Database wizard


Launches the Database Wizard to create a new database.  This is the same as selecting File->New from the menu bar or using the CTRL+N shortcut keys.


button_fileopen  Open database


Opens an existing database.  This is the same as selecting File->Open from the menu bar or using the CTRL+O shortcut keys.


button_filesnapshot Snapshot


Takes a snapshot or copy of the current database and saves it to a selected file and drive as a compressed archive (zip) file.  Best done before performing a major import or something that may alter your database irreversibly. This is the same a selecting File->Snapshot from the menu bar.


button_fileclose  Close window or database


Closes the current window or database.  This is the same as selecting File->Close from the menu bar.


button_fileimport  Import wizard


Launches the Import wizard to allow importation of data from an external source into the current database.  This is the same as selecting File->Import from the menu bar.  If used when in the picture tab of the ingredient or recipe forms, this button will import a picture from a graphics file.


button_fileexport  Export wizard


Launches the Export wizard to allow exportation of data from the current database to an external destination.  This is the same as selecting File->Export from the menu bar.  If used when in the picture tab of the ingredient or recipe forms, this button will export a picture to a graphics file.



button_filedefaultlocation  Default locations


Sets the default path for data files.  This allows selection of the directory that the File->Open dialog starts at when opening a file. This is the same as selecting File->Default Locations from the menu bar.


button_filepreferences  File preferences


Launches the File preferences dialog box to allow editing of global preferences for the current database. This is the same as selecting File->Preferences from the menu bar.


button_filereportwizard  Report Wizard


Launches the Report wizard to guide you through report selection and printing.  This is  the same as selecting File->Print Report from the menu bar or using the CTRL+P shortcut keys.


button_filepagesetup  Print setup


Launches the Print setup dialog and allows changes to be made to report settings.  This is the same as selecting File->Print Setup from the menu bar.


button_filesendemail Send email


Launches the Email wizard.  This will allow you to email selected data to one or more email recipients.  This is the same as selecting File->Send email from the menu bar.

button_editundo  Undo


Reverses the last change made to text. This is the same as selecting Edit->Undo from the menu bar or using the CTRL+Z shortcut keys.


button_editcut  Cut


Cuts the selected text and copies it to the clipboard.  This is the same as selecting Edit->Cut from the menu bar or using the CTRL+X shortcut keys.


button_editcopy  Copy


Copies the selected text to the clipboard.  This is the same as selecting Edit->Copy from the menu bar or using the CTRL+C shortcut keys.


button_editpaste  Paste


Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the text.  This is the same as selecting Edit->Paste from the menu bar or using the CTRL+V shortcut keys.


button_edititem  Edit item


Allows editing of the current grid item.  This is the same as selecting Edit->Edit item from the menu bar or using the CTRL+E shortcut keys.


button_editinsert  Insert item


Inserts an item into the current grid (ie. inserts an ingredient into a recipe).  This is the same as selecting Edit->Insert item from the menu bar or using the CTRL+I shortcut keys.


button_editdelete  Delete item


Deletes the current grid item.  This is the same as selecting Edit->Delete item from the menu bar or using the delete key on the keyboard.


button_editmoveup  Move up


Moves the current item up one position within a grid.  This is the same as selecting Edit->Move up from the menu bar or using the CTRL+U shortcut keys.


button_editmovedown  Move down


Moves the current item down one position within a grid.  This is the same as selecting Edit->Move down from the menu bar or using the CTRL+D shortcut keys.


button_editfilldown  Fill down


Fills down grid cell contents. Copies the contents of the topmost grid cell into selected grid cells below it. This is the same as selecting Edit->Fill down from the menu bar or using the CTRL+F shortcut keys.


pictblighten  Lighten


Lightens the picture within the picture page of a selected form. This is the same as selecting Edit->Lighten from the menu bar.


pictbdarken  Darken


Darkens the picture within the picture page of a selected form. This is the same as selecting Edit->Darken from the menu bar.


pictbcontrast  Increase Contrast


Increases the contrast of a picture within the picture page of a selected form. This is the same as selecting Edit->Increase Contrast from the menu bar.


pictbblur  Blur


Blurs the picture within the picture page of a selected form. This is the same as selecting Edit->Blur from the menu bar.


pictbsoften  Soften


Softens the picture within the picture page of a selected form.  This is the same as selecting Edit->Soften from the menu bar.


pictbsharpen  Sharpen


Sharpens the picture within the picture page of a selected form. This is the same as selecting Edit->Sharpen from the menu bar.


pictbgreyscale  Convert to Greyscale


Converts the picture within the picture page of a selected form from colour to a monochrome image. This is the same as selecting Edit->Convert to greyscale from the menu bar.


pictbflip  Flip


Flips the picture within the picture page of a selected form about the horizontal axis (i.e. turns the image upside down). This is the same as selecting Edit->Flip from the menu bar.


pictbmirror  Mirror


Mirrors the picture within the picture page of a selected form about the vertical axis (i.e. swaps the image left to right). This is the same as selecting Edit->Mirror from the menu bar.


button_picture_rotateleft  Rotate Left


      Rotates the picture 90° to the left. This is the same as selecting Edit->Rotate Left from the menu bar.


button_picture_rotateright  Rotate Right


      Rotates the picture 90° to the right. This is the same as selecting Edit->Rotate Right from the menu bar.


pictbresize  Resize


Launches the Resize picture dialog. This allows you to manipulate the size of the picture within the picture page of a selected form and preview the results before accepting any changes made.  This is the same as selecting Edit->Resize from the menu bar.

toolbarbutton_back_button  Back


Moves back to the previous record you opened.


toolbarbutton_forward_button  Forward


Moves forward to the next record in History.


button_recordfirst  First record


Moves to the first item in the current browser list.  This is the same as selecting Record->First record from the menu bar or using the F5 shortcut key.


button_recordprevious  Previous record


Moves to the previous item in the current browser list.  This is the same as selecting Record->Previous record from the menu bar or using the F6 shortcut key.


button_recordnext  Next record


Moves to the next item in the current browser list.  This is the same as selecting Record->Next record from the menu bar or using the F7 shortcut key.


button_recordlast  Last record


Moves to the last item in the current browser list.  This is the same as selecting Record->Last record from the menu bar or using the F8 shortcut key.


button_recordnew  Add new item


Adds a new blank item to the current form.  This is the same as selecting Record->New  from the menu bar or using the F2 shortcut key.


button_recordcopy  Copy current item


Creates an exact copy of the current item.  This is the same as selecting Record->Copy from the menu bar or using the F3 shortcut key.


button_recorddelete  Delete item


Deletes the current item from your database.  This is the same as selecting Record->Delete from the menu bar or using the F4 shortcut key.


button_recordsave  Save changes


Saves changes made in the current form.  This is the same as selecting Record->Save from the menu bar or using the F9 shortcut key.


button_recordreset  Reset


Reloads the contents of the current form erasing any modifications made since the last save.  This is the same as selecting Record->Reset from the menu bar or using the F10 shortcut key.


button_recordquery  Filter


The filter button allows you to select the type of data you wish to be displayed.  This button will let you choose to view information in different formats such as viewing information from a single supplier, a single category or another sub-set of data.  Clicking this button brings up the filter dialog box.


button_recordrequery  Re-filter


Re-filters the database using the same selection parameters entered into the Filter dialog when the form was initially opened.

button_formsite  Site form


Opens the Site form to create, modify or delete sites. This is the same as selecting Forms->Sites from the menu bar.


button_formstore  Store form


Opens the Store form to create, modify or delete stores.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Stores from the menu bar.


button_formoutlet  Outlet form


Opens the Outlet form to view or modify retail product prices in bulk for each outlet within your database.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Outlets from the menu bar.


button_formcategory  Category form


Opens the Category form to create, modify or delete categories.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Categories from the menu bar.


button_formcourse  Course form


Opens the Course form to create, modify or delete course.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Courses from the menu bar.


button_formunit  Unit form


Opens the Unit form to create, modify or delete units.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Units from the menu bar.


button_formingredient  Ingredient form


Opens the Ingredient form to create, modify or delete ingredients.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Ingredients from the menu bar.



button_formrecipe  Recipe form


Opens the Recipe form to create, modify or delete recipes.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Recipes from the menu bar.


button_formmenu  Menu form


Opens the Menu form to create, modify or delete menus.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Menus from the menu bar.


button_formfunction  Function form


Opens the Function form to create, modify or delete functions.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Functions from the menu bar.


button_formsupplier  Supplier form


Opens the Supplier form to create, modify or delete suppliers.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Suppliers from the menu bar.


button_forminvoice  Invoice form


Opens the Invoice form to create, modify or delete invoices.  This is the same as selecting Forms->Invoices from the menu bar.

button_viewcompany  Company details


Opens the Company details dialog box and allows changes to be made to the details of the current company.  This is the same as selecting View->Company details from the menu bar.


button_viewkeywords  Keywords


Opens the Keywords dialog box to create, modify or delete keywords.  This is the same as selecting View->Keywords from the menu bar.


button_viewmultilinetabs  Multi-line tabs


When selected, this allows you to view all tabs in a single form without having to scroll across the window. De-selecting this changes the view to those tabs that will fit in the open form and adds a scroll bar to move to those not visible.  This is the same as selecting View->Multi-line tabs in forms from the menu bar.


button_viewtoolbars  Customize toolbars


Displays the Toolbar dialog to let you customize the look and layout of your toolbars. This is the same as selecting View->Toolbars from the menu bar.


button_viewstatusbar  Toggle Status bar


Displays hints and tips in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.  This is the same as selecting View->Status bar from the menu bar.

button_toolslicence  License


Displays the License Dialog.  This is the same as selecting Tools->License from the menu bar.


button_toolsautosave  Autosave


If you have the Autosave facility enabled, Resort Executive will not show any prompts asking you whether to save any modified data, but will automatically save any changes that you have made.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Autosave from the menu bar.


button_toolmergeingredient  Merge Ingredients


Launches the Merge Ingredients Dialog. This allows you to merge similar ingredients into a single ingredient to avoid duplicate data. This is the same as selecting Tools->Merge/Bulk Delete->Merge Ingredients from the menu bar.

button_toolmergerecipe  Merge Recipes


Launches the Merge Recipes Dialog. This allows you to merge similar recipes into a single recipe to avoid duplicate data. This is the same as selecting Tools->Merge/Bulk Delete->Merge Recipes from the menu bar.


button_toolmergemenus  Merge Menus


Launches the Merge Menus Dialog. This allows you to merge similar menus into a single menu to avoid duplicate data. This is the same as selecting Tools->Merge/Bulk Delete->Merge Menus from the menu bar.


button_toolmergefunctions  Merge Functions


Launches the Merge Functions Dialog. This allows you to merge similar functions into a single function to avoid duplicate data. This is the same as selecting Tools->Merge/Bulk Delete->Merge Functions from the menu bar.


button_toolmergeunits  Merge Units


Launches the Merge Units Dialog. This allows you to merge similar units into a single unit to avoid duplicate data. This is the same as selecting Tools->Merge/Bulk Delete->Merge Units from the menu bar.


button_toolconvertmenutofunction  Convert Menus to Functions


Launches the Convert Menus to Functions Dialog. This allows you to convert existing menus into functions, whilst still keeping the original menus. This is the same as selecting Tools->Merge/Bulk Delete->Convert Menus to Functions from the menu bar.


button_toolconvertfunctiontomenu  Convert Function to Menu


Launches the Convert Functions to Menus Dialog. This allows you to convert existing functions into menus, whilst still keeping the original functions. This is the same as selecting Tools->Merge/Bulk Delete->Convert Functions to Menus from the menu bar.


button_toolbulkingdelete  Bulk Delete Ingredients


Launches the Bulk Delete Ingredients Dialog. This allows you to bulk delete ingredients from a database. This is the same as selecting Tools->Merge/Bulk Delete->Bulk Delete Ingredients from the menu bar.


button_toolsreplace  Search and replace data


Launches the Replacement Wizard. This is the same as selecting Tools->Replace from the menu bar.


button_toolscasewizard Case wizard


Launches the Case Wizard. Case wizard allows you to tidy up the look of your database.  Often when ingredients and recipes are entered by different users, the format is different (ie some entered in Proper case, some in Upper case.) Case wizard allows you to unify the text case throughout your database.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Case Wizard from the menu bar.


button_toolsrecalculate  Recalculate recipe


To update the costs of ingredients for recipes choose this option.  This takes you to the Recipe Recalculate Dialog.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Recalculate from the menu bar.


button_toolsbatchcalculate  Batch calculate


Launches the Batch Calculate Dialog.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Batch Calculate from the menu bar.


button_toolsrollstock Roll Stock


Displays the stock rollover dialog.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Roll stock from the menu bar.


button_toolsreverserollstock Reverse stock rollover


Displays the reverse stock rollover dialog.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Reverse stock rollover from the menu bar.


button_toolsconvertunits Local units


Displays the Convert to Local Units Dialog.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Convert to Preferred Units from the menu bar.


button_toolsbatchconvertunits Local units (Batch run)


Displays the Batch Unit Conversion Dialog. This is the same as selecting Tools->Batch Unit Conversion from the menu bar.


button_toolsspchthisform Spell Check - This form....


Displays the spell check dialog to allow spell checking on the current form only. This is the same as selecting Tools->Spell Check->This form... from the menu bar.


button_toolsspchentdbase  Spell Check - Entire database...


Displays the spell check dialog to allow spell checking on the entire database.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Spell Check->Entire database... from the menu bar.


button_toolsresetcolumnwidths Reset grid column widths


Resets the Grid Column widths to their original default settings. This is the same as selecting Tools->Reset Grid Column Widths from the menu bar.


button_toolsdatabaseintegrity Database integrity test


Launches the Database Integrity Wizard.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Database Integrity from the menu bar.


button_toolsdatabasestatistics Database Statistics


Launches the Database statistics dialog.  This is the same as selecting Tools->Database Statistics from the menu bar.

button_windowcascade Cascade windows


Cascades the open windows. This is the same as selecting Window->Cascade from the menu bar.


button_windowtilevertically Tile vertically


Tiles the open windows vertically.  This is the same as selecting Window->Tile Vertically from the menu bar.


button_windowtilehorizontally Tile horizontally


Tiles the open windows horizontally.  This is the same as selecting Window->Tile Horizontally from the menu bar.


button_windowarrangeicons Arrange icons


Arranges and aligns icons.  This is the same as selecting Window->Arrange Icons from the menu bar.


button_helptopics Help topics


Launches the help window.  This is the same as selecting Help->Help Topics from the menu bar.


button_helpcontext Help - What's this?


This help mode allows you to left click any object to display a context-sensitive help window for that object. The help window provides a brief explanation about the object and how to use it.

button_helpabout Help About


Displays the About Resort Executive dialog. This is the same as selecting Help->About Resort Executive from the menu bar.