Select recipe author details page

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Select recipe author details page

The select recipe author details page allows you to replace the author's details within all recipes with another author's details.  See the following image.




You can choose to replace any or all of the following in all recipes within your database:


Author's name

Author's email address

Author's web address


Replacing an author's name


To replace an author's name, mark the check box beside "Replace author names?".  In the "Replace" field, enter the author's name you wish to replace with another.  In the "with" field, enter the author's name you wish to replace it with. For example, if you have some recipes with the author entered as Joe Smith, and you wish to change those occurrences to your name, enter Joe Smith in the "Replace" field and your name in the "with" field. If you wish to replace all other author's names in your database with another, click the "Replace ALL author names?" check box and all author names entered in your database will be changed to the name you enter in the "with" field.  See the following image.





Replacing an author's email address


To replace an author's email address, mark the check box beside "Replace author email address?".  In the "Replace" field, enter the author's email address you wish to replace with another.  In the "with" field, enter the author's email address you wish to replace it with. For example, if you have some recipes with the author email address entered as, and you wish to change those occurrences to your email address enter in the "Replace" field and your email address in the "with" field. If you wish to replace all other author's email addresses in your database with another, click the "Replace ALL author email addresses?" check box and all author email addresses entered in your database will be changed to the email address you enter in the "with" field.  See the following image.





Replacing an author's web address


To replace an author's web address, mark the check box beside "Replace author web address?".  In the "Replace" field, enter the author's web address you wish to replace with another.  In the "with" field, enter the author's web address you wish to replace it with. For example, if you have some recipes with the author's web address entered as, and you wish to change those occurrences to your web address, enter in the "Replace" field and your web address in the "with" field. If you wish to replace all other author's web address in your database with another, click the "Replace ALL author web addresses?" check box and all author web addresses entered in your database will be changed to the web address you enter in the "with" field.  See the following image.




Once you have completed your selections, click the "Next" button and you will be taken to the Confirmation prompt page.