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Resort Software
Recipe management and cost control software for foodservice professionals. With over 30 years of continuous product development, our software helps chefs and foodservice busniesses the world round stay in profit. Regardless of the economic times!
Resort Recipe is a free, simple to use program for storing and printing recipes. Suitable for students and cooking enthusiasts who don't need any recipe costing features. Resort Recipe stores, scales and prints recipes and is fully compatible with all of our other recipe management products. The program is also incredibly easy to use. Resort Recipe suits cooking enthusiast, students and computer novices who don't need costing features.
Resort Chef is a simple, cost effective 'starter' program for users new to computing. It performs basic recipe costing functions, market list generation and is very easy to use. Resort Chef suits chefs and students who beed basic recipe costing software in the simplest package possible.
Resort Bistro is a step up from Resort Chef and is designed for slightly more advanced users. Features like menu engineering and market list generation and over 150 reports make this the ideal product for working and student chefs. Resort Bistro suits chefs and students who need more advanced costing, reporting and menu engineering software but don't need banquet costing or stock functions.
Resort Restaurant has been designed from the ground up to suit a working restaurant environment with a single point of sale. Features like full recipe costing, menu engineering, function/banquet costing, stocktake and purchase tracking plus over 250 reports make it one of the most powerful recipe management products on the market today. Resort Restaurant suits chefs/analysts who need advanced recipe costing, menu engineering, stock management and reporting features for a single point of sale.
Resort Hotel has been designed specifically for chefs in hotel environments with a multiple points of sale. Features like full recipe costing, menu engineering, function/banquet costing, stocktake and purchase tracking plus over 250 reports make it ideal for hotel chefs and F&B managers/analysts. Resort Hotel suits chefs/analysts who need advanced recipe costing, menu engineering, stock management and reporting features for multiple points of sale.
Resort Executive is our most powerful recipe management product to date. It implements all the features of our other products such as recipe costing, menu engineering, stock management with the added ability to cost the labour component of ingredient preparations, recipes, menus and functions/banquets as well as perform all costings for multiple geographical sites. Resort Executive is perfect for senior chefs, foodservice consultants, F&B analysts, etc.