Ingredient page
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The Ingredient page displays the details of the currently selected ingredient (see diagram below).
This page displays the details of the ingredient currently selected in the Ingredient Browser Pane on the left of the page. The page lists all of the current ingredient's details such as name, purchase units, etc. The page also lists any recipes where the current ingredient has been used. To view one of those recipes, just click the recipe's link and you will be taken to the Recipe page and shown the selected recipe's details.
Use the buttons at the top of the Ingredient page to create, edit, delete, or print the current ingredient's details. See the related help and tutorial topics below for more information on manipulating ingredients.
When the Ingredient page is first opened, the program will list all of the ingredients in the database in the browser pane. You can select or filter the ingredients displayed there by clicking the Selection Filter... button at the top of the browser. This will display the Ingredient Selection Filter dialog from which you select which ingredients are to be displayed in the browser list.
The ingredient page is activated by selecting the Ingredients... option on the View menu, or by clicking the button on the toll bar or shortcut bar.
•Selecting and Filtering Ingredients
•How do I create an ingredient? •How do I delete an ingredient? •How do I update ingredient prices?