- 3 -

30 day trial

- A -

A recently opened database file

A single category

IconSelect ingredients page
IconSelect menus page
IconSelect recipes page
IconSelect ingredients page
IconSelect menus page
IconSelect recipes page

A single supplier

IconSelect ingredients page
IconSelect ingredients page

About Resort Restaurant


Active Window List


Actual purchase quantity/unit


IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Add new item

Add word

Adding a field

IconSelecting ingredients page
IconSelecting recipes page
IconSelecting retail products page

advanced filter dialog

advanced function filter dialog

advanced ingredient filter dialog

advanced menu filter dialog

advanced recipe filter dialog


IconFiltering recipes
IconFind dialog

All ingredients

IconSelect ingredients page
IconSelect ingredients page

All menus

IconSelect menus page
IconSelect menus page

All recipes

IconSelect recipes page
IconSelect recipes page

Alphabetical listing

IconSelect ingredients page
IconSelect menus page
IconSelect recipes page
IconSelect ingredients page
IconSelect menus page
IconSelect recipes page


alter the colours of backgrounds

text and  grid lines

alter your merge selections


American English

Approximate Cost

IconMarket list page
IconMarket list page

Arrange Icons

IconToolbar buttons
IconWindow menu

ASCII text files

IconHow do I import ingredients from another database?
IconHow do I export ingredients to another database?
IconASCII text import wizard
IconExporting data
IconASCII text export wizard

ASCII Text Import Wizard

assign an ingredient or a recipe to a particular store

Assign ingredients or recipes to a particular location within a store

Assign ingredients or recipes to stores

Assigning a recipe as a retail product

Assigning an ingredient or recipe via the general details page in the ingredient or recipe forms

Assigning an ingredient or recipe via the stock page in the store form

associate various keywords with recipes

Associating ingredients to suppliers from the ingredient form

Associating ingredients to suppliers from the supplier form


Audit Trail dialog

Auto change (use case of checked word)

Auto change (use case of other word)

Automatically save database changes (AutoSave)



IconToolbar buttons
IconTools menu

Average spend per customer

- B -


Back button

Background (Odd rows and Even rows)

Backing up your Resort Restaurant database


Base Cost

Base recipe costs for non-retail products

Base recipe production

Batch Calculate

IconToolbar buttons
IconTools menu

batch calculations

Batch Unit Conversion

IconTools menu

Batch unit conversions dialog

begin the installation process


IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

BMP files

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?


British English

Browse for a database file

Browse the online documentation

Browser Pane

IconThe store browser
IconThe ingredient form
IconThe recipe form


Bug fixes and updates

Bug Reports

Bulk Delete Ingredients

bulk delete ingredients dialog


IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

By Alphabetical listing

By Category

IconThe ingredient costs form
IconSelect recipes page

By Menu

By Supplier

- C -

Calculate food cost from

Calculate from

IconIngredients & costs
IconProducts & prices page
IconCost summary grid

Calculation mode

IconIngredient/Recipe pricing page
IconFunction pricing page


IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database


Cascade windows

Case sensitive

Case wizard

IconTools menu
IconStart page


IconGeneral details page
IconWhat reports are available?
IconType page
IconType page
IconSpell checking an entire database

Categories Form


IconFiltering recipes

Category Details

Category Form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu

Category links

Category name

Category References

Category types


IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Change all

IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

change any information in a grid

change the colours

Chef Master 3

Chef Master files

IconHow do I import ingredients from another database?
IconHow do I import recipes from another database?

Choosing a destination file

IconDestination page
IconDestination page
IconDestination page

Choosing commands by using a menu

Choosing commands by using the keyboard

Choosing commands by using the mouse

Choosing commands from the context menu

client page


Close window or database

comma delimited ASCII text file

Compact database

Compact or repair an existing database

Company Details

IconToolbar buttons
IconView menu

Company Details Property Sheet

Component Ingredient Name

Component ingredient names

Conditionally change (use case of checked word)

Conditionally change (use case of other word)

Contact Information

Contacting Resort Software

IconUpgrading from a previous version
IconLicensing Resort Restaurant


IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

Contribution Margin

Contribution Margin Rank

Conversion Factor

IconUnit conversions page
IconThe unit form

Conversion Wizard

convert already created functions into menus

Convert Function to Menu

convert functions to menus dialog

Convert Menus to Functions

convert menus to functions dialog

Convert to Greyscale

Convert to preferred units

IconTools menu

Convert to Preferred Units Dialog


IconToolbar buttons
IconEdit menu
IconRecord menu
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

Copy an item

Copy and paste a picture from the Windows clipboard

Copy current item

copying and pasting an image

Copying and pasting an image's file name

Copying and pasting pictures from the Windows clipboard

Correct dictionary


IconIngredients & costs
IconIngredient/Recipe pricing page
IconFunction pricing page
IconProducts & prices page
IconCost summary grid
IconIngredient costs page

Cost and covers information

Cost per customer

Cost price

Cost price per purchase unit

Cost price per usage unit

cost summary grid

Cost/Price page


Costs of goods sold

Count your stock

Course Details

Course Form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu

Course References


IconWhat reports are available?
IconType page
IconType page
IconSpell checking an entire database

Courses Form


IconFunction pricing page
IconCost summary grid

Create a new database

IconOpening screen
IconOpening an RXF file

create a new function

create a new invoice

create a new invoice copying the details from another invoice

Create a new item

Create your categories

create your ingredients

Create your recipes

Create your suppliers

Creating a Desktop Shortcut to Resort Restaurant

Creating market lists

CTRL shortcut keys

Culinary dictionary

culinary terms

Customize toolbars

customize your toolbars


IconToolbar buttons
IconEdit menu

- D -


IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

data backups

Data Type

Database form

Database Integrity

Database Integrity Dialog

database integrity test

IconToolbar buttons
IconHow and where is information stored?
IconDatabase integrity wizard

database snapshot

IconBackup/restore/transfer data
IconImporting data
IconBulk ingredient delete dialog

database snapshots

Database Statistics

IconToolbar buttons
IconTools menu

Database Wizard

IconHow and where is information stored?
IconCreating a Resort Restaurant database
IconHow do I create a new database?
IconDatabase wizard
IconFile page


Default Locations

IconToolbar buttons
IconFile menu

Default Settings

default Toolbars

deferred conversions page

Deferred Unit Conversions

IconLocal unit preferences property page
IconUnit conversion wizard
IconWhat reports are available?


IconEdit menu
IconRecord menu

delete all the selected ingredients

delete an existing function

Delete an item

Delete item

delete items from within a grid

Delete Picture

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

Delete word



desktop icon

destination page

Destination Unit

IconUnit conversions page
IconThe unit form


IconSpell Check
IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Dictionary field

IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Discount cost

Discount percentage

Discount unit cost

Display company trading name in window headers

Display decimal places for Currency values

Display decimal places for General numbers

Display decimal places for small currency values

Displaying a toolbar

displays a list of ingredients


IconMenu engineering
IconEngineering (table) page


download recipes

drop-down menu

Drop-down menus

Duplicate ingredient testing

- E -


Edit item

Edit Menu

IconMenu bar
IconChoosing commands by using a menu
IconUsing Shortcut keys

edit toolbar

IconStandard toolbars
IconEdit toolbar

Edit Toolbars in forms

Editable text

Email wizard

email your code

Emailing reports

Engineering (Graph) page

engineering (table) page

IconThe menu form
IconEngineering (table) page

Engineering page

Enter a stocktake

enter the stock count

Enter the stock count into Resort Restaurant

enter the stock figures

Exception cells

Exclude (treat as mispelled)



IconFile menu
IconSpell Check

export a picture

Export ingredient prices in usage units

Export Picture

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

export recipes to a Recipe Exchange Format (RXF) file

export the Audit trail data to an Excel

Export Wizard

IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I export ingredients to another database?
IconExporting data
IconExport wizard
IconASCII text export wizard
IconHTML export wizard

export your reports

- F -


IconPricing defaults preferences property page
IconIngredient/Recipe pricing page
IconFunction pricing page
IconProducts & prices page
IconSelecting retail products page

Fast but less accurate



IconIngredient/Recipe pricing page
IconProducts & prices page

Factor and Markup

Field delimiters

Field selection

IconSelecting ingredients page
IconSelecting recipes page
IconSelecting retail products page

File Menu

IconMenu bar
IconChoosing commands by using a menu
IconUsing Shortcut keys
IconHow do I close a form?

File preferences

File to snapshot

File toolbar

IconStandard toolbars



fill a column

Fill down

IconToolbar buttons
IconEdit menu

filter dialog

filter functions

filter ingredients

menus and functions using more parameters

filter invoices

filter suppliers

Filtered Reports

Filtering ingredients

Filtering menus

IconThe menu form
IconThe menu browser

Filtering recipes

Filtering suppliers

Find button

Find dialog

Find similar ingredients

finish page

First Record

IconToolbar buttons
IconRecord menu

Flag as incomplete


IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

Floating Rollups

Food Cost %

Food cost percentage

IconPricing defaults preferences property page
IconIngredient/Recipe pricing page
IconProducts & prices page
IconSelecting retail products page


IconThe database form

Forms drop-down menu

Forms Menu

IconMenu bar
IconChoosing commands by using a menu
IconUsing Shortcut keys

Forms toolbar

IconStandard toolbars


Forward button


IconProduct costing
IconFunction pricing page

Function Blank

function copying

Function Cost Breakdown

Function Form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu

Function name

IconFunction pricing page
IconGeneral details page

Function Presentation

Function Quick Export

function rollup

Function Summary


IconWhat reports are available?
IconSpell checking an entire database

Functions Form

Functions selected for merging section

functions you wish to convert to menus

- G -

General details page

IconThe ingredient form
IconGeneral details page
IconThe retail product prices form
IconGeneral details page
IconThe menu form
IconGeneral details page
IconThe supplier form
IconGeneral details page
IconThe category form
IconGeneral details page
IconThe course form
IconGeneral details page

General details page within the function form

General details page within the store form

generate market lists

generating market lists

GIF files

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?



graphics program


IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

Grid lines

Grid Settings

grid settings dialog

IconHow can I change the colours used in a grid?
IconGrid settings dialog


IconGrid settings dialog

Gross profit

IconProducts & prices page
IconEngineering (table) page
IconSelecting retail products page

Gross profit per customer

Gross profit percentage

IconProducts & prices page
IconSelecting retail products page

- H -

hardware requirements


IconUpgrading from a previous version
IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Help - What's this?

Help About

Help Menu

IconMenu bar
IconChoosing commands by using a menu
IconUsing Shortcut keys

Help toolbar

Help Topics

IconToolbar buttons
IconHelp menu

Hide/Show tabs

Hiding a toolbar

Historical record list

History Bar

IconHistory bar
IconView menu



How can I change colours used in a grid?

How can I fill columns with the same information?

How can I re-size grid columns?

How can I see the details of an item in a grid?

How can I transfer grid data to a spreadsheet?

How do I delete an item from a grid?

How do I import a picture into an ingredient?

How do I insert an item into a grid?

How do I perform a stocktake?

How do market lists work?

How menu engineering works

How recipe costing works

HTML export wizard

HTML files

- I -


IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Ignore (Skip)

Ignore all

IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Ignore all-caps words

Ignore capitalized words

Ignore domain names

Ignore words with mixed case

Ignore words with numbers


IconFile menu
IconOK, I've created a new database, so what do I do now?
IconSpell Check

import a picture

import a picture of an recipe

Import a selection of recipes

import all available functions

Import all recipes

import data

Import Picture

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

import pictures into recipes and ingredients

import pictures of your ingredients

import pictures of your recipes into Resort Restaurant

import RXF files

Import to the following open database

Import Wizard

IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import ingredients from another database?
IconHow do I import recipes from another database?

Import Wizard start page

Importing a selection of recipes

IconSelect page
IconSelect page

Importing all recipes

IconSelect page
IconSelect page

Include parent items in results list?


IconFiltering recipes
IconFiltering suppliers

Incomplete cells

Incomplete Ingredient

incomplete ingredient report

Incomplete Ingredients

Incomplete menus

Incomplete recipes

Increase Contrast

Ingredient Blank

Ingredient components

Ingredient Costs

ingredient costs form

Ingredient costs page

IconThe supplier form
IconIngredient costs page
IconThe category form

ingredient defaults preferences property page

Ingredient details

IconWhat reports are available?
IconDestination page

Ingredient Details (With Pictures)

Ingredient form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu
IconFilter dialog 
IconHow do I create a new ingredient?
IconHow do I copy one ingredient from another?
IconHow do I modify an existing ingredient?
IconHow do I delete an existing ingredient?
IconHow do I associate an ingredient with a category?
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I find where an ingredient has been used?
IconThe ingredient form

Ingredient List (Alphabetical)

Ingredient List (Product code)

Ingredient List (Stock Code)

Ingredient list grid

Ingredient modified before or after a certain date

Ingredient Name

IconThe ingredient costs form
IconIngredient costs page
IconMerge ingredients dialog

Ingredient prices can be updated

Ingredient Product Code

Ingredient Quick Export

IconHow do I export ingredients to another database?
IconThe Ingredient Quick Export

Ingredient References

ingredient rollup

IconIngredient rollup
IconIngredient rollup

Ingredient selection

Ingredient Stock Code

Ingredient With Pictures

Ingredient/Recipe pricing

Ingredient/Recipe pricing page

Ingredient/Supplier Order (Manual Entry)


IconMarket list page
IconWhat reports are available?
IconType page
IconType page
IconSpell checking an entire database

ingredients and costs page

IconIngredients & costs

Ingredients Form

Ingredients from a selected Supplier

Ingredients in a selected Category

Ingredients selected for merging section

Ingredients used in selected Functions

Ingredients used in selected Menus

ingredients you wish to delete

Initial lines to ignore


Insert item

insert items into a grid

install code

install Resort Restaurant on a network

Install wizard

IconInstalling Resort Restaurant on a single computer
IconInstall wizard


IconInstalling Resort Restaurant on a single computer

installation process

Installing Resort Restaurant from a CD-ROM

Installing Resort Restaurant from a downloaded file

Internet Options


invoice browser

Invoice date

Invoice Details

Invoice Form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu
IconThe invoice form

Invoice number

invoice properties

invoice rollup

IconPurchase details page
IconInvoice rollup window

Invoice Summary


Item number

Items that meet one criteria AND another criteria

Items that meet one criteria OR another criteria

- J -

JPEG files

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

- K -

keeping a copy of the original menu



IconToolbar buttons
IconView menu
IconGeneral details page

- L -

Last modified date

Last Record

IconToolbar buttons
IconRecord menu

Launch faxable order form

Licence request email dialog


IconToolbar buttons
IconTools menu

License Agreement

IconLicense agreement page
IconLicensing Resort Restaurant

license agreement page

License Dialog

licensing Resort Restaurant


IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

list of units

Local Unit Preferences Property Page

Local units

Local units (Batch run)

local units preferences property page


IconStock page
IconStock grid

- M -

manipulate the size of the picture

Market List

market list for a single function

Market list generation dialog

Market List page

IconThe menu form
IconMarket list page

Market List tab

Market Lists

IconMarket list page
IconWhat reports are available?

Marking a recipe as incomplete

Marking an ingredient as incomplete


IconPricing defaults preferences property page
IconIngredient/Recipe pricing page
IconFunction pricing page
IconProducts & prices page
IconSelecting retail products page

Master Cook MX2 import wizard

Master Cook MX2 Import Wizard duplicate page

Master Cook MX2 Import Wizard file page

Master Cook MX2 Import Wizard finish page

Master Cook MX2 Import Wizard select page

MDI Tabs at Top

Meal Master files


Menu Class

menu engineering

IconMenu engineering
IconProduct costing
IconWhat is 'Menu Engineering'?
IconHow can I make Menu Engineering work for me?

menu engineering (graph) page

Menu Engineering 1

Menu Engineering 2

Menu Engineering Actual Totals

Menu Engineering Budget Totals

Menu Engineering Totals

menu filter dialog

Menu Form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu
IconFilter dialog 

Menu Mix %

Menu Mix Rank

Menu multiple insert options dialog

Menu Name

Menu Presentation

Menu Prices

Menu Quick Export

menu rollup


IconType page
IconType page
IconSpell checking an entire database

menus and functions

menus for menu engineering calculations

Menus Form

Menus from a selected Outlet

Menus in a selected Category

Menus modified before or after a certain date

Menus using a particular ingredient or recipe

Merge Functions

Merge Ingredients

Merge menus

IconToolbar buttons
IconMerge menus dialog

Merge recipes

IconToolbar buttons
IconMerge recipes dialog

Merge units

IconToolbar buttons
IconMerge units dialog

Merge/Bulk delete->Merge functions

Merging functions

Merging ingredients

Merging menus

Merging recipes

method page



Microsoft Access database

IconHow and where is information stored?
IconDatabase wizard

Microsoft Excel workbook files

minimum hardware requirements


IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

miscellaneous preferences property page

IconFile Preferences Dialog
IconMiscellaneous preferences property page


IconMise-en-place page
IconMise-en-place page
IconMise en place page

Mise-en-place page


Moderately fast but accurate


modify an existing function

modify an existing invoice's details

Modifying market lists

monochrome image

Mouse Pointer Shapes

Move down

IconToolbar buttons
IconEdit menu

Move up

IconToolbar buttons
IconEdit menu

Moving  a toolbar

Moving and resizing toolbars

IconDisplaying or hiding toolbars
IconMoving and resizing toolbars

Multi-line tabs

multiple quantity

unit and price combinations

multi-user installations

- N -


IconFiltering recipes
IconSelecting retail products page

Name of the ingredient



IconFile menu
IconRecord menu

new database

New database / Company wizard

New database / Database wizard

Next Record

IconToolbar buttons
IconRecord menu

ngredient costs page


Non-retail Ingredients

Non-retail recipe costs

Non-retail recipes


IconNotes page
IconFind dialog

notes page

IconThe ingredient form
IconNotes page

Notes relevant to the store

Number of covers

Number of Customers

numeric format preferences property page

IconFile Preferences Dialog
IconNumeric format preferences property page

- O -

Online Program Updates

on-screen forms


Open an existing database

Open database

Opening an existing database

Opening Screen

Opening zipped RSD/MDB databases

Opening zipped RXF files



IconUsing help
IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Order online

Order Quantity

IconMarket list page
IconMarket list page

Order Resort Restaurant

Other lines to ignore

Other word

Outlet Form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu

- P -

Password protection


IconToolbar buttons
IconEdit menu

PCX files

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

Percentage covers

Performance Summary

Performing a backup

Performing a backup using Windows 2000

Performing a backup using Windows 98

Performing a stocktake

Performing backups

Phonetic suggestions

picture context menu

Picture page

IconThe ingredient form
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

picture tab

Plough Horse

IconMenu engineering
IconEngineering (table) page

PNG files

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?


Clicking and Dragging

POS code

IconIngredients & costs
IconProducts & prices page
IconSelecting retail products page

pre-defined reports


Prep Note

Prep Sheets

Preparation Form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu

Previous Record

IconToolbar buttons
IconRecord menu

Price (ex. tax)

IconIngredient/Recipe pricing page
IconFunction pricing page
IconProducts & prices page
IconCost summary grid

Price (ex.tax)

Price (inc. tax)

IconIngredient/Recipe pricing page
IconFunction pricing page
IconProducts & prices page
IconCost summary grid

Price (incl. Tax)

Price/Cover (ex. tax)

Price/Cover (inc. tax)

pricing defaults preference property page

pricing updates via email


IconUsing help
IconEdit toolbar

Print blank stock sheets

print functions

Print Report

Print Setup

IconToolbar buttons
IconFile menu

Print stock reports

print the Audit trail

Product code

IconFiltering recipes
IconSelecting retail products page

Product Costing

Product Price Exception

Product Prices

Production cost

Production quantity

Production unit

Production/Purchase quantity

Production/Purchase unit (name)

Production/Purchase unit (symbol)


Products & Prices page

products and prices page

Profitability target defaults

Profitability target information

profitability targets

Progress field

Prompt to filter records when opening forms


purchase details grid

Purchase price

Purchase Qty./Unit

Purchase unit

Putting it all together


IconMenu engineering
IconEngineering (table) page

- Q -


IconStock grid
IconIngredients & costs
IconProducts & prices page
IconRecipe list grid


IconToolbar buttons
IconRecord menu

Quick Export

Quick Export toolbar button

IconThe Ingredient Quick Export
IconThe Recipe Quick Export
IconThe Menu Quick Export
IconThe Function Quick Export

Quick launch icon

- R -

Readme File

Ready to install page


Recalculate current item

Recalculate recipe

recent file list

IconFile menu
IconOpening an existing Resort Restaurant database
IconRecent file list

Recipe 1 (With Pictures)

Recipe 1 (Without Pictures)

Recipe 12 (With Pictures)

Recipe 12 (Without Pictures)

Recipe 2

Recipe 3 (With Pictures)

Recipe 3 (Without Pictures)

Recipe 4 (With Pictures)

Recipe 4 (Without Pictures)

Recipe 5 (With Pictures)

Recipe 5 (Without Pictures)

Recipe Blank

Recipe Calculation Preferences Property Page

IconFile Preferences Dialog
IconBatch calculate dialog

Recipe Cost Breakdown

Recipe cost/price details

Recipe Costings

Recipe default preferences

Recipe Exchange Format

Recipe Exchange Format (RXF) file

Recipe Exchange Format (RXF) files

IconHow do I import recipes from another database?
IconHow do I export recipes to another database?
IconExporting data

Recipe Exchange Format export wizard

Recipe Exchange Format import wizard

recipe form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu
IconFilter dialog 
IconHow do I create a new recipe?
IconHow do I copy one recipe from another?
IconHow do I modify an existing recipe?
IconHow do I delete an existing recipe?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?
IconThe recipe form

Recipe List

Recipe List (Product Code)

Recipe List (Stock Code)

recipe list grid

Recipe Name

Recipe Product Code

Recipe Quick Export

Recipe References

recipe rollup

Recipe Scaling

Recipe selection

Recipe Stock Code

recipe web sites


IconWhat reports are available?
IconType page
IconType page
IconSpell checking an entire database

recipes and costs page

Recipes associated with a Keyword

Recipes Form

Recipes from a selected Outlet

Recipes from a selected Supplier

Recipes in a selected Category

Recipes modified before or after a certain date

Recipes selected for merging section

Recipes used in selected Functions

Recipes used in selected Menus

Recipes using a particular ingredient or sub-recipe

Recipes With Pictures

Recommended purchase quantity/unit

Record Menu

IconMenu bar
IconChoosing commands by using a menu
IconUsing Shortcut keys

Records toolbar

IconStandard toolbars

Recovering a backup using Windows 2000

Recovering a backup using Windows 98

Recycle forms

references page

IconThe ingredient form
IconReferences page
IconReferences page
IconHow do I find where a category has been used?
IconThe category form
IconHow do I find where a course has been used?
IconThe course form
IconReferences page


Register Resort Restaurant

Removing a field

IconSelecting ingredients page
IconSelecting recipes page
IconSelecting retail products page

Repair database option


Replace a Category with another Category

Replace a Course with another Course

Replace a Recipe with an Ingredient

Replace a Recipe with another Recipe

Replace a Unit with another Unit

Replace an Ingredient with a Recipe

Replace an Ingredient with another Ingredient

Replacement wizard

Report Categories

Report category "Functions"

Report Detail Files

Report doubled words

Report Styles

report wizard

IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I print ingredients?
IconHow do I print recipes?
IconReport wizard


Reports of this style


IconToolbar buttons
IconRecord menu

Required Quantity


IconToolbar buttons
IconRecord menu

Reset Grid Column Width

Reset grid column widths

Reset item


IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

re-size any grid columns

Resort Restaurant Database wizard

Resort Restaurant over a network

Resort Software database

IconHow do I import ingredients from another database?
IconHow do I import recipes from another database?

Resort Software databases

IconHow do I export ingredients to another database?
IconHow do I export recipes to another database?
IconExporting data

Resort Software Import Wizard select functions page

Restoring a backed up Resort Restaurant database

Restoring default toolbars


Retail cost

Retail Ingredients

Retail product cost/price details

retail product prices form

retail product rollup

Retail product selection

Retail quantity

Retail recipes

Retail Recipes (dishes)

Retail unit

reverse roll stock option

Reverse Stock Rollover

IconToolbar buttons
IconTools menu

reverse stock rollover dialog

Roll Stock

IconToolbar buttons
IconTools menu

Roll the stock

roll your stock



Rotate Left

IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

Rotate Right

IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

RSD/MDB files

running a database integrity test

RXF files

- S -


save any report from Resort Restaurant to file

Save changes

IconToolbar buttons
IconEdit toolbar

Saving a report

Scale Quantity

Scaled Cost

Scaled recipe costs for non-retail products

Search and replace data

Search for Resort Software database files

Search Highlight Off/On

Search/Select dialog

Searching for information


Select Additional Tasks page

Select functions to merge

Select ingredients to merge

Select menus to merge

Select recipes to merge

Select units to merge

Selected Item

Selected Type

Selection type

IconFiltering ingredients
IconFiltering recipes
IconFiltering menus
IconFiltering suppliers

Selection type group box


Setting up your profitability targets


setup dialog


IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

shortcut keys

shortcut menu

Show quantities per unit check box

Simplified Filtering

Site Form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu

size of your database file

Slow but accurate


IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?


Source Unit

IconUnit conversions page
IconThe unit form

Special case for small currency values

Spell Check

Spell Check - Entire database...

Spell Check - This form...

Spell check a single form

Spell check an entire database

spell check dialog to allow spell checking for the current form only

spell check dialog to allow spell checking for the entire database

spell check options dialog

spell checker


standard toolbars

IconStandard toolbars
IconCustomizing toolbars


IconMenu engineering
IconEngineering (table) page

Start menu options page

Start Window

IconStart Window
IconView menu

Starting Resort Restaurant

Static text

Status Bar

Stock  Blank (Sort by location)

Stock Blank (Sort by name)

Stock Blank (Sort by stock code)

Stock Blank 2 (Sort by name)

Stock Blank 2 (Sort by stock code)

Stock code

IconFiltering recipes
IconSelecting retail products page

Stock Details

Stock item name

Stock management

IconGetting the most out of Resort Restaurant
IconStock management

Stock Purchases

IconStock management
IconWhat reports are available?

stock rollover

Stock Rollover dialog

IconToolbar buttons
IconHow do I roll my stocktake?

stock rollup

Stock Totals




Store Details

Store Form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu
IconThe store form

Store location

Store name

structuring your data

sub-set of functions


IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Suggestions for future releases

Supplementary Dictionaries


IconMarket list page
IconMarket lists

Supplier Details

Supplier discounts

Supplier form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu
IconFilter dialog 

Supplier links

Supplier Name


IconGeneral details page
IconWhat reports are available?
IconType page
IconType page

Suppliers Form

swap units

- T -

Tabbed sub-forms (or pages)

IconThe ingredient form
IconThe recipe form


IconIngredients & costs
IconIngredient/Recipe pricing page
IconProducts & prices page
IconSelecting retail products page

Tax rate

IconFunction pricing page
IconProducts & prices page
IconSelecting retail products page

tax rate preferences property page

IconFile Preferences Dialog
IconTax rate preferences property page

tax rates

IconFile menu
IconTax rate preferences property page

temporary snapshot of your database

Testing field

IconSpell checking a single form
IconSpell checking an entire database

Text field qualifiers

Text qualifiers

TGA files

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

The Alphabet home page template page

The Alphabet page template page

The Author home page template page

The Author page template page

The batch unit conversion dialog

The best way to send recipes

The best way to transfer your data from your home to work

The case wizard

The category form

The Category home page template page

The Category page template page

The Chef Master import wizard

The copyright page

The course form

The data page

The database snapshot

The delimiters page

The destination page

IconDestination page
IconDestination page

The destination pages

IconDestination page
IconDestination page

The duplicate category dialog

The duplicate course dialog

The duplicate dialog

The duplicate dish dialog

The duplicate ingredient dialog

IconDuplicate ingredient dialog
IconDuplicate ingredient dialog

The duplicate menu dialog

The duplicate page

IconDuplicate page
IconDuplicate page
IconDuplicate page
IconDuplicate page
IconDuplicate page

The duplicate prepared item dialog

The duplicate recipe dialog

The duplicate supplier dialog

The duplicate unit dialog

The duplicates page

The field page

The file page

IconFile page
IconFile page
IconFile page
IconFile page
IconFile page
IconFile page

The finish page

IconFinish page
IconFinish page
IconFinish page
IconFinish page
IconFinish page
IconFinish page
IconFinish page
IconFinish page
IconFinish page
IconFinish page

The finished dialog

The function browser

The Function Form

The Graph

The Help System menu

The Home page page

The Home page template page

The import wizard

The Ingredient Form

The market list generation dialog

The Meal Master import wizard

The Menu Engineering Table

The Menu Form

IconThe menu form
IconQuick Export Options

The merge page

IconMerge page
IconMerge page

the merge process

The new/existing page

The Recipe exchange format (RXF) import wizard

The Recipe Form

The Recipe page template page

The Resort Software export wizard

The Resort Software import wizard

The save changes page

IconSave changes page
IconSave changes page

The select categories page

IconSelect categories page
IconSelect categories page

The select courses page

IconSelect courses page
IconSelect courses page

The select ingredients page

IconSelect ingredients page
IconSelect ingredients page

The select menus page

IconSelect menus page
IconSelect menus page

The select page

IconSelect page
IconSelect page
IconSelect page

The select recipes page

IconSelect recipes page
IconSelect recipes page
IconSelect recipes page

The select suppliers page

IconSelect suppliers page
IconSelect suppliers page

The select units page

IconSelect units page
IconSelect units page

The selecting ingredients page

The selecting recipes page

IconSelecting recipes page
IconSelecting retail products page

The source file page

the start page

IconStart page
IconStart page
IconStart page
IconStart page
IconStart page
IconStart page

The Store form

The style page

The supplier form

The test page

The text format page

The type page

IconType page
IconType page

TIF files

IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?

Tile Horizontally

IconToolbar buttons
IconWindow menu

Tile Vertically

IconToolbar buttons
IconWindow menu


To add a button to an existing toolbar

To associate an ingredient with a category

to close a form

To create a new category

To create a new category copying the details from another category

To create a new course

To create a new course copying the details from another course

To create a new ingredient

To create a new ingredient copying the details from another ingredient

To create a new menu

To create a new menu copying the details from another menu

To create a new recipe

To create a new recipe copying the details from another recipe

To create a new store

To create a new store copying the details from another store

To create a new supplie

To create a new supplier copying the details from another supplier

To create a new unit

To create a new unit by copying the details from another unit

To delete a recipe/course

To delete a unit conversion

To delete an existing category

To delete an existing course

To delete an existing ingredient

To delete an existing menu

To delete an existing recipe

To delete an existing store

To delete an existing supplier

To delete an existing unit

To delete an invoice

To edit a recipe/course

To edit an ingredient or recipe

IconMise-en-place page
IconMise en place page

to email reports

To export as an ASCII text file

To export as an HTML web site file

To export categories

To export courses

To export functions

To export ingredients

To export menus

To export recipes

To export suppliers

To export units

to filter menus

to filter recipes

To generate a market list

To import categories

To import courses

To import functions

To import ingredients

To import menus

To import recipes

To import suppliers

To import units

To insert a recipe/course

To install from a CD-ROM

To install from a downloaded file

To launch a spell check on a single form

To launch a spell check on an entire database

To launch the Batch calculate dialog

To launch the Replacement wizard

To license Resort Restaurant

To modify an existing  course's details

To modify an existing category's details

To modify an existing ingredient's details

To modify an existing menu's details

To modify an existing recipe's details

To modify an existing store's details

To modify an existing supplier's details

To modify an existing unit's details

To move up or move down

to open a form

To open a zipped RSD/MDB database

To open a zipped RXF file

To open an RXF file

to open ZIP files

To print a stock blank

To print categories

To print courses

To print ingredients

To print invoices

To print menus

To print recipes

To print stores

To print suppliers

To print units

To print your stock totals report

To print your stocktake results

Toggle Status bar

toolbar button


IconThe database form
IconView menu


Tools Menu

IconMenu bar
IconChoosing commands by using a menu
IconUsing Shortcut keys

Tools toolbar

Total Sales

tracks your movement through a database

transfer data


IconStock grid
IconIngredients & costs

Typographical suggestions

- U -


IconToolbar buttons
IconEdit menu
IconHow do I import a picture into an ingredient?
IconHow do I import a picture into a recipe?


IconStock grid
IconIngredients & costs
IconProducts & prices page
IconMarket list page

Unit Conversion

Unit Conversion Details

Unit conversion wizard

Unit conversions

IconUnit conversions page
IconGeneral details page

Unit cost

IconPurchase details grid
IconSelecting retail products page

Unit Details

unit form

IconToolbar buttons
IconForms menu
IconThe unit form

Unit price

Unit price (excluding tax)

Unit price (including tax)

Unit Styles

Unit Types


IconWhat reports are available?
IconType page
IconType page

Units Form

units of measure

Units selected for merging section

unused ingredients

IconWhat reports are available?
IconBulk ingredient delete dialog

Unused Recipes


Updating ingredient costs

Updating ingredient costs from the Cost/Price page of the Ingredient form

Updating ingredient costs from the Ingredient costs page of the Category form

Updating ingredient costs from the Ingredient costs page of the Supplier form

uploading to the Internet

Usage quantity/unit

Usage unit

User dictionary


Using a manual

Using a zip drive to save your database

Using on-line help

Using Shortcut keys

Using the Filter button

Using the Find similar recipes button

- V -


Verify database integrity

Verify each ingredient deletion?

version and build number of current installation

View all ingredients or recipes assigned to a store

View Menu

IconMenu bar
IconChoosing commands by using a menu
IconUsing Shortcut keys

view the details of an item appearing in a grid

View the previous stocktake count

View the variation between the current stocktake and the previous stocktake

View toolbar

View->Company details

View->Edit toolbar

Visual Theme

- W -

WBMP files

web pages of recipes

What information can I change in a grid?

What is a stock location?

IconStock page
IconStock grid

What reports are available?

where a recipe has been used

Where to put the snapshot

Window Menu

IconMenu bar
IconChoosing commands by using a menu
IconUsing Shortcut keys

Window toolbar

With pictures

With Pitcure

WMF files


Workbook mode

- Y -

Yield (%)

- Z -

zero quantities


ZIP Archive Files

IconZipped RXF files
IconZipped RSD/MDB database

zipped RSD/MDB database