How to use this documentation
Program overview
Some of the things Resort Restaurant can do for you
Detailed recipe costing
Menu engineering
Function/banquet costing
Stock management
Creating recipe web pages
Exchanging recipes with your friends and colleagues
Contacting Resort Software
Licence agreement
Allergen Indemnity Notice
Technical support
Installing Resort Restaurant
Installation requirements
Installing Resort Restaurant on a single computer
Installing Resort Restaurant on a network
Upgrading from a previous version
Install wizard
Setup dialog
License agreement page
Destination page
Start menu options page
Select additional tasks page
Ready to install page
Finish page
Licensing Resort Restaurant
Getting to know Resort Restaurant
Starting Resort Restaurant
Using help
Start Window
The database form
Standard toolbars
Toolbar buttons
Displaying or hiding toolbars
Moving and resizing toolbars
Customizing toolbars
History bar
Menu bar
File menu
Edit menu
Record menu
Forms menu
View menu
Tools menu
Window menu
Help menu
Choosing commands
Choosing commands by using the mouse
Choosing commands by using the keyboard
Choosing commands by using a menu
Choosing commands from the context menu
Using Shortcut keys
How do I open a form?
How do I close a form?
Edit toolbar
Filter dialog
Advanced filter dialogs
Advanced function filter dialog
Advanced ingredient filter dialog
Advanced recipe filter dialog
Advanced menu filter dialog
How do I insert items into a grid?
How do I delete an item from a grid?
How can I see the details of an item in a grid?
What information can I change in a grid?
How can I re-size grid columns?
How can I fill columns with the same information?
How can I transfer grid data to a spreadsheet program?
How can I change the colours used in a grid?
Grid context menu
Getting the most out of Resort Restaurant
Product costing
Stock management
How do I perform a stocktake?
How do I print a stock blank form?
How do I enter my stock count?
How do I print my stocktake results?
How do I roll my stocktake?
What if I roll my stock when I shouldn't have?
Putting it all together.
How and where is information stored?
Creating a Resort Restaurant database
How do I create a new database?
OK, I've created a new database, so what do I do now?
Database wizard
File page
Company page
Store page
Finish page
Opening an existing Resort Restaurant database
Recent file list
Opening screen
Database form
Opening an RXF file
Opening a ZIP file
Zipped RXF files
Zipped RSD/MDB database
Closing a database
Database management
Database integrity wizard
Can multiple people access my database at the one time?
Can I run Resort Restaurant over a network?
How many databases can I create?
How many databases can I have open at once?
Company details
File Preferences Dialog
Miscellaneous preferences property page
Numeric format preferences property page
Local unit preferences property page
Ingredient defaults preferences property page
Recipe defaults preferences property page
Pricing defaults preferences property page
Tax rate preferences property page
Structuring your data
Backup/restore/transfer data
How do I backup my database(s)?
How do I restore my database from a backup?
How do I transfer my recipe data from one computer to another?
How do I create a new store?
How do I copy one store from another?
How do I modify an existing store?
How do I delete an existing store?
How do I assign an ingredient or recipe to a store?
How do I enter a stock count for a store?
How do I print stores?
The store form
The store browser
General details page
Stock page
Stock grid
Stock rollup bar
How do I create a new ingredient?
How do I copy one ingredient from another?
How do I modify an existing ingredient?
How do I delete an existing ingredient?
How do I update ingredient prices?
How do I associate an ingredient with a category?
How do I associate an ingredient with a supplier?
How do I associate an ingredient with a store?
How do I import a picture into an ingredient?
How do I find where an ingredient has been used?
How do I print ingredients?
How do I import ingredients from another database?
How do I export ingredients to another database?
Ingredient Quick Edit Dialog
The ingredient form
The ingredient browser
Filtering ingredients
General details page
Picture page
Notes page
Purchases page
Stock page
References page
The ingredient costs form
How do I create a new recipe?
How do I copy one recipe from another?
How do I modify an existing recipe?
How do I delete an existing recipe?
How do I import a picture into a recipe?
How do I find where a recipe has been used?
How do I print recipes?
How does recipe costing work?
How do I import recipes from another database?
How do I export recipes to another database?
Recipe Quick Edit Dialog
The recipe form
The recipe browser
Filtering recipes
General details page
Ingredients & costs
Recipe rollup
Mise-en-place page
Method page
Picture page
Notes page
Stock page
Unit conversions page
References page
The retail product prices form
General details page
Ingredient/Recipe pricing page
Retail product rollup
Function pricing page
How do I create a new menu?
How do I copy one menu from another?
How do I modify an existing menu?
How do I delete an existing menu?
How do I generate a market list for a menu?
How do I print menus?
How do I import menus from another database?
How do I export menus to another database?
What is 'Menu Engineering'?
How can I make Menu Engineering work for me?
How do I interpret a menu engineering graph?
The menu form
The menu browser
Filtering menus
General details page
Products & prices page
Menu rollup window
Engineering (table) page
Engineering (graph) page
Mise-en-place page
Market list page
Market lists
Creating market lists
Modifying market lists
What is the difference between a menu and a function?
How do I create a new function?
How do I copy one function from another?
How do I modify an existing function?
How do I delete an existing function?
How do I generate a market list for a function?
How do I print functions?
How do I import functions from another database?
How do I export functions to another database?
The function form
The function browser
Filtering functions
General details page
Client page
Recipes & costs page
Recipe list grid
Cost summary grid
Function rollup window
Mise en place page
Market list page
How do I create a new supplier?
How do I copy one supplier from another?
How do I modify an existing supplier?
How do I delete an existing supplier?
How do I print suppliers?
How do I import suppliers from another database?
How do I export suppliers to another database?
The supplier form
The supplier browser
Filtering suppliers
General details page
Invoices page
Ingredient costs page
Ingredient rollup
How do I create a new invoice?
How do I copy one invoice from another?
How do I modify an existing invoice?
How do I delete an existing invoice?
How do I print invoices?
The invoice form
The invoice browser
Filtering invoices
General details page
Purchase details page
Purchase details grid
Invoice rollup window
How do I create a new unit?
How do I copy one unit from another?
How do I modify an existing unit?
How do I delete an existing unit?
How do I print units?
How do I import units from another database?
How do I export units to another database?
How do unit conversions work?
What are 'deferred unit conversions'?
The unit form
The unit browser
General details page
Deferred conversions page
Unit conversion wizard
How do I create a new category?
How do I copy one category from another?
How do I modify an existing category?
How do I delete an existing category?
How do I find where a category has been used?
How do I print categories?
How do I import categories from another database?
How do I export categories to another database?
The category form
The category browser
General details page
Ingredient costs page
Ingredient rollup
References page
How do I create a new course?
How do I copy one course from another?
How do I modify an existing course?
How do I delete an existing course?
How do I find where a course has been used?
How do I print courses?
How do I import courses from another database?
How do I export courses to another database?
The course form
The course browser
General details page
References page
How allergens work
How do I create a new allergen?
How do I delete an allergen?
How do I associate allergens with ingredients?
How do I verify that recipes, menus and functions are associated with allergens?
The Allergen Dialog
What reports are available?
Report wizard
Start page
Finish page
Can I email or save my reports?
Importing data
Where can I find recipes on the internet?
What recipes can I download from the internet?
How can I import ingredient details from a supplier?
Import wizard
ASCII text import wizard
Start page
New / existing page
Data Type Page
Source file page
Destination page - POS data
Delimiters page - POS data
Delimiters page - Ingredient data
Field page - POS data
Field page - Ingredient data
Duplicates page
Test page
Save changes page
Finish page
Duplicate dialog
Chef Master import wizard
Start page
File page
Duplicate page
Finish page
Duplicate dish dialog
Duplicate ingredient dialog
Duplicate prepared item dialog
Master Cook MX2 import wizard
Start page
File page
Select page
Duplicate page
Finish page
Meal Master import wizard
Start page
File page
Select page
Duplicate page
Finish page
Recipe exchange format (RXF) import wizard
Start page
File page
Select page
Duplicate page
Finish page
Resort Software import wizard
Start page
File page
Merge page
Type page
Select categories page
Select courses page
Select functions page
Select ingredients page
Select menus page
Select recipes page
Select suppliers page
Select units page
Link/Associations page
Duplicate page
Finish page
Duplicate category dialog
Duplicate course dialog
Duplicate function dialog
Duplicate ingredient dialog
Duplicate menu dialog
Duplicate recipe dialog
Duplicate supplier dialog
Duplicate unit dialog
Exporting data
Quick Export Options
The Ingredient Quick Export
The Recipe Quick Export
The Menu Quick Export
The Function Quick Export
What's the best way to send recipes to someone else?
What's the best way to transfer my data between my work and home computers?
Export wizard
ASCII text export wizard
File page
New / existing page
Destination page
Selecting ingredients page
Selecting recipes page
Selecting retail products page
Text format page
Save changes page
Finish page
HTML export wizard
What does a recipe web look like?
File page
New / existing page
Destination page
Select recipes page
Home page template page
Alphabet home page template page
Author home page template page
Category home page template page
Alphabet page template page
Author page template page
Category page template page
Recipe page template page
Home page page
Copyright page
Finish page
Finished dialog
Recipe exchange format (RXF) files
File page
Destination page
Select page
Finish page
Resort Software export wizard
File page
Destination page
Merge page
Type page
Select categories page
Select courses page
Select functions page
Select ingredients page
Select menus page
Select recipes page
Select suppliers page
Select units page
Link/Associations page
Duplicate page
Finish page
Batch unit conversions dialog
Batch calculate dialog
Market list generation dialog
Database snapshot
Case wizard
Start page
Style page
Data page
Finish page
Replacement wizard
Type page
Select categories page
Select courses page
Select ingredients page
Select recipes page
Select recipe author details page
Select units page
Unit adjust page
Confirmation prompt page
Finish page
Circular reference error dialog
Ingredient quantity adjustment dialog
Recipe quantity adjustment dialog
Component ingredient quantity adjustment dialog
Spell Check
Spell checking a single form
Spell checking an entire database
Email wizard
Data source page
RXF data selection page
Email details page
Finish page
Recalculate current recipe dialog
Recalculate current menu dialog
Convert to preferred units dialog
Rollup search page
Rollup ingredient page
Rollup recipe page
Rollup course page
Appendix A - Sample data
Appendix B - Dialog boxes
About Resort Restaurant
Audit Trail dialog
Bulk ingredient delete dialog
Company details property sheet
Company details page
Security page
Convert functions to menu dialog
Convert menus to functions dialog
Create course dialog
Create ingredient dialog
Create recipe dialog
Database created dialog
Database search dialog
Database statistics dialog
Default database path dialog
Find dialog
Grid settings dialog
License dialog
Licence request email dialog
Login dialog
Menu multiple insert options dialog
Merge function dialog
Merge ingredients dialog
Merge menus dialog
Merge recipes dialog
Merge units dialog
Online update dialog
Opening archive file (zip) dialog
Opening RXF file dialog
Pre-import database snapshot dialog
Report settings dialog
Search / Select dialog
Update ingredient costs dialog
Release Notes